Managing Diversity in the Post-Conflict Western Balkans: Multiculturalism,
Multiethnicity, and Europeanization
Keynote Speakers:
CALL FOR PAPERS The violent break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s has impacted the region of the Western Balkans and South Eastern Europe in a number of ways. Today, as the Western Balkans countries struggle to leave the past behind and prosper, they face many challenges. One key challenge has been to find the right way in which these countries can deal with their populations that come from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Ethnic and religious differences in many countries of the Western Balkans became much more visible fault lines during the region’s recent wars and armed conflicts (the wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Kosovo, and the armed conflicts in Southern Serbia and Macedonia). Some have argued that multiethnicity is the only way forward, but the implementation of such policies is easier said than done. The international community has been pressing Bosnia and Herzegovina to embrace the notion of multiethnicity so as to save the federation. In Kosovo, multiethnicity has been a fundamental objective of the international community, as well. Yet, ethnic divisions in most Western Balkans countries remain alive and well. So, is multiethnicity really the only way forward? Given the difficulty these countries have faced in trying to implement it, should the focus be now put on alternatives? Does Europeanization present another alternative to multiethnicity? Given the aspirations of the Western Balkans countries to join the European Union, attention must be paid to Europeanization as well in terms of it serving as a potential vehicle to manage diversity. Moreover, can multiculturalism be a better way forward? Looking at the example of multiculturalism in Canada, Australia, and other places, one can certainly draw some important lessons that could help the Western Balkans countries in managing diversity. While the Canadian experience with multiculturalism has attracted worldwide attention, the Western Balkans countries so far have failed to engage in a meaningful debate about this model of managing diversity. Therefore, the objective of this international conference is to bring together scholars, researchers, policymakers, and other professionals with an interest in the Western Balkans and multiculturalism, as well as multiethnicity and Europeanization. To enrich the discussions, the conference will feature prominent scholars of these topics. The Kosovo Public Policy Center wishes to invite all scholars and especially graduate students as well as recent post-graduates, with an interest in the Western Balkans and public policy (especially multiculturalism, multiethnicity or Europeanization) to submit abstracts for consideration for the second annual KPPC international conference. The deadline for abstract submission is May 16, 2011. Successful applicants will be notified by May 20, 2011. Authors of selected abstracts will be expected to submit their full papers by June 23, 2011. Depending on the number of accepted proposals for paper presentations, there will be between four and six panel sessions. Papers will be grouped into sessions based on their topic, theoretical frameworks, and methodologies used. A list of guest speakers and honorary speakers, including government and civil society representatives, will be announced in late May 2011. Papers presented at the conference, upon successful redrafting necessitated by the peer-review process, will be published in two issues of the second volume of the Western Balkans Policy Review, a semi-annual, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. All paper presenters at the conference will be taken on a Tour of Kosovo on June 25, dependent on funding. Abstract Submission Guidelines:
An academic
committee consisting of university professors will be called upon to review
all abstracts and select papers for presentation at the conference. Please note that there
is no fee to attend or present at this conference, thanks to the generous
commitment of the organizers. The organizers are working intensively to
find sponsors, however, to financially help presenters from developing
countries to cover their travel and accommodation expenses. As
funds become available, adequate announcements will be made on this
site. All selected
presenters and interested participants from abroad will be given practical
information as to best travel options to Prishtina, Kosovo. Hotel
accommodation will be offered at a discounted rate for all conference
participants. More details will have now been published on this page under
the Practical Information section. For further information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at conference@kppcenter.org Because of the importance of the conference topic
and the unique opportunity to get yourself published, the organizers hope to
have a great number of you in Prishtina, Kosovo in June 2011. * For the purposes of the conference,
Western Balkans countries include: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,
Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. Papers focusing on Turkey will also be
considered. CONFERENCE
We hope that the Academic Committee of the conference will announce selected paper presenters for the conference very soon after the deadline for abstract submission of April 30 passes. In the meantime, we are providing the following practical information for all those interested in attending the conference. Coming
to Kosovo by Air From the airport, you may take a taxi to your arranged hotel accommodation in Prishtina. The trip takes about 30 minutes and the average fare is about €25.00. There are plenty of taxi companies at the airport that can offer you a ride to the city 24 hrs a day. Coming
to Kosovo by Bus / Ground Transportation Entry
Visas Accommodation Local
Transportation Food Financial
Support for Presenters Contact